Sunday, 23 May 2010

Shaving the BeardeD LooN - Ta Da!

Well, here's the photo proof of the event ...
the Before and After pictures.
I did say pics of the beard ... not pics of me.

Here's a small gallery of the inbetween shots.

Thanks again to everyone who sponsored this, and an extra one to those who've already submitted their filthy lucre ... er, money. Reminders about how the pledge can be paid are as follows:

You can send it by PayPal using my email address:

... just, please, add a note stating that it's a donation (and the name you want the donation attributed to), so that I can figure out, a bit more easily, why money would be going into the account for a change.
Cheques should be made payable to:

Blenheim Court Care Centre Savings Fund
and sent to the following address:

Shave the Bearded Loon
c/o Blenheim Court Care Centre
100a Elm Lane
S5 7TW

Sponsors 'external to the home', so far:

  • Geraldine £5.00 
  • Mrs B £5.00 
  • Pike £10.00 (Paid) 
  • Julie F £5.00 (Paid)
  • Jo Gadsen £5.00 
  • Semioticghosts £5.00  
  • Jacquie Milham £5.00   
  • Granny Sylvie & Grampa Brian £10.00 (Paid)
  • The good folks from my local Pharmacy £10.00 (Paid)

NOTE: If you would prefer not to have your name/link/amount donated etc, listed here, just send let me know which part(s) of your 'line' you don't want seen/posted and I'll blank it/them out.

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